手把手教學安裝 anything-llm (不使用 docker)
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安裝 Anything llm
注意,以下要用 linux 平台安裝,windows 用戶可以用 WSL,推薦用 Ubuntu OS
在自己的 home 目錄下,到 GitHub 中下載原始碼
git clone https://github.com/Mintplex-Labs/anything-llm.git
利用 yarn 作設定資源
cd anything-llm yarn setup
把環境變數建立起來,後端主機是 NodeJS express
cp server/.env.example server/.env nano server/.env
JWT_SECRET="my-random-string-for-seeding" STORAGE_DIR="/your/absolute/path/to/server/storage"
# VITE_API_BASE='http://localhost:3001/api' # Use this URL when developing locally # VITE_API_BASE="https://$CODESPACE_NAME-3001.$GITHUB_CODESPACES_PORT_FORWARDING_DOMAIN/api" # for Github Codespaces VITE_API_BASE='/api' # Use this URL deploying on non-localhost address OR in docker.

把 prisma 更新好
yarn add --dev prisma@latest yarn add @prisma/client@latest
先編譯前端程式碼,前端是由 viteJS + React
cd frontend && yarn build
將編譯好的資料放到 server 的目錄下
cp -R frontend/dist/* server/public/
選項,如果需要用到本地端的 LLM 模型,就把 llama-cpp 下載下來
cd server && npx --no node-llama-cpp download
cd server && npx prisma generate --schema=./prisma/schema.prisma cd server && npx prisma migrate deploy --schema=./prisma/schema.prisma
Server端是用來處理 api 以及進行向量資料庫的管理以及跟 LLM 交互
Collector 是一個 NodeJS express server,用來作UI處理和解析文檔
cd server && NODE_ENV=production node index.js & cd collector && NODE_ENV=production node index.js &
現在 anything llm 更新速度超快,把這一段指令碼複製起來,方便未來作更新的動作
#!/bin/bash cd $HOME/anything-llm &&\ git checkout . &&\ git pull origin master &&\ echo "HEAD pulled to commit $(git log -1 --pretty=format:"%h" | tail -n 1)" echo "Freezing current ENVs" curl -I "http://localhost:3001/api/env-dump" | head -n 1|cut -d$' ' -f2 echo "Rebuilding Frontend" cd $HOME/anything-llm/frontend && yarn && yarn build && cd $HOME/anything-llm echo "Copying to Sever Public" rm -rf server/public cp -r frontend/dist server/public echo "Killing node processes" pkill node echo "Installing collector dependencies" cd $HOME/anything-llm/collector && yarn echo "Installing server dependencies & running migrations" cd $HOME/anything-llm/server && yarn cd $HOME/anything-llm/server && npx prisma migrate deploy --schema=./prisma/schema.prisma cd $HOME/anything-llm/server && npx prisma generate echo "Booting up services." truncate -s 0 /logs/server.log # Or any other log file location. truncate -s 0 /logs/collector.log cd $HOME/anything-llm/server (NODE_ENV=production node index.js) &> /logs/server.log & cd $HOME/anything-llm/collector (NODE_ENV=production node index.js) &> /logs/collector.log &